Friday, March 20, 2015

Moving Objects

For our moving object assignment I drew a tree and copied it into multiple layers. Using motion tweens I was able to convey a sense of motion by using a combination of motion tweens and perspective. As you can see when you can see between the rows of trees it shows a vanishing point and follows the perspective lines. Using this technique not only conveyed a sense of motion but also gave the background a third dimensional quality.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Flash Tools

This drawing here displays the uses of the majority of the tools we will use in creating flash animations. The first quadrant displays some sample brush strokes which were done free handed and then modified using the sub selection tool. The second quadrant displays what you can do with shape and line tools and then modification you can make with the selection tools. The third quadrant displays how text can be included in your works and how you can separate the letters from the words and then turn the letters into shapes.  The forth quadrant shows how we can rotate objects and how objects can be grouped and transformed together.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Windows Movie Maker Video

This is my first time using Pivot and Windows Movie Maker, while this project is still incomplete, I'm happy to have used these programs and learn how to do basic animations using pivot and simple edits to videos in movie maker. I enjoyed learning how to use both of these programs and hope to make more improvements to this video. I can't wait to start doing more animations especially in adobe flash. I have some past experience using flash and I hope to keep improving my works and learn from previous mistakes in my works.